Submissions are now being accepted for the Town of Queen Creek’s 2025 Water Conservation Art Contest! K-12 students living in or attending school in the Town’s water service area can submit their artwork through Tuesday, March 25 at 6 p.m. for a chance to win fun prizes and display their artwork in the Queen Creek Library Lobby during Earth Month this April.

The contest’s prompt is to answer this question: How can you reduce your water use? The Town offers a variety of water-saving ideas at
Students must submit two-dimensional artwork on an 8.5×11-inch paper along with a submission form to the Town’s Municipal Services Building at 22358 S. Ellsworth Road Queen Creek, AZ 85142. The Town’s Downtown Arts and Placemaking Advisory Subcommittee will judge artwork based on originality, creativity, and addressing the contest prompt.
Submissions can be drawn, painted, mixed media, digital, or photography. Students whose entries are chosen to be displayed in the Queen Creek Library lobby for Earth Month will be invited to a special reception to enjoy light refreshments and see their art on display. The top winners will also receive water conservation prize packs from the Town.
Find additional details and the official contest rules at
Media Contact:
Constance Halonen-Wilson, Communications & Marketing Manager